New to Chess?


There are many suppliers of sets, boards and clocks. These can be easily found through search engines.


Schools Chess

Many schools, especially primary schools, organise chess clubs. Ask a teacher if there in one in your school.


Live chess

When Covid restrictions allow then live chess is available as follows:

  • clubs – see website for details. We will update with currect information as and when we can
  • competitions – see calendar for details. This will be updated when possible.


Online Chess

Playing against the computer:

  • is particularly suitable for children as there is no chat facility.  Best for teaching children how to play with lively graphics and lots of puzzles.
  • – best free site
  • – largest library of videos and lessons for older children / stronger players.

Playing against other players via the computer

All the above have a facility for playing other people via their website.


This page will be updated with more information once over-the-board chess returns.