As the Welsh Government (WG) announces changes to regulations it remains the case that clubs and organisers must continue to take responsibility for any events they put on, with suitable risk assessments, mitigation arrangements and precautions in place. This page summarises some of the key WG guidance points and recommendations which are relevant for chess events and should be considered by clubs and organisers as we move forward.
Updates (7th September 2021) are shown in blue.
Further updates will be made as necessary when regulations/guidance change
Relevant guidance for current regulations in place can be found on the main WG COVID-19 web pages here:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Topic | GOV.WALES
Some key points to note are as follows —
Risk assessments
Event organisers and clubs must carry out a COVID risk assessment for their event/venue. In Wales this remains a legal requirement.
Club officials must consult with the venue to ensure the Risk Assessment meet with the requirements of the venue
Risk Assessments must be sent to the WCU for approval before opening.
Communicate and training
Clubs and event organisers are expected to keep players, venue staff and visitors aware of the arrangements and safety measures.
Checking in
Provision of QR codes is advised for those with the NHS app as well as maintaining a register for those who don’t have the app. This is advised to support NHS track and trace.
The Risk Assessment must include
- Prior to attending a club night all members will be asked to confirm the following:
- They have had both of their vaccines at least 14 days ahead of the club event
- If they have not had both vaccines that they have had a negative Covid 19 test within 72 hours of attending the venue
- They are symptom free
- They have not been identified as a close contact of anyone who has had a positive Covid 19 test. If they have been identified as a close contact but have received both vaccines and are not showing any symptoms they could attend the club night as long as they have received a negative test result.
All members will be asked to wear a mask when entering and exiting the club.
Members are to be reminded not to congregate in this area of the premises.
Provide adequate ventilation
This remains an important precautionary measure. This can be natural ventilation through windows, doors and vents, mechanical ventilation using fans and ducts, or a combination of both.
Face coverings
In Wales it is still mandatory to wear face covering (unless exempt) in most indoor settings. Face coverings are also advised where there is close face to face contact.
The Risk Assessment must include the following:
- An indication that face coverings are mandatory for all over the age of 12 when at the chess board. Children aged 12 and under are requested to wear a face covering when at the board.
- Should a child decide not to wear a face covering then the player needs to accept that he/she will only play against other juniors who also aren’t wearing a mask or adults wearing masks will need to volunteer to play them.
- Also eating and drinking at the board is not allowed.
Note that face visors are not considered to fulfil the face covering requirement.
Limiting close contacts
Whilst the level of contact is now a matter of personal choice, the guidance recognises that many may wish to take a cautious approach as society opens up. Everyone should be considerate of this and provide the opportunity and space for players/spectators to reduce close contacts as far as practical.
Clean more often
Increase how often you clean surfaces, especially those that are touched a lot. See also section on managing your facility or event setting.
The WCU encourages all clubs and organisers to follow the guidance and recommendations and following WG recommendation as a minimum, with any additional measures where these are appropriate based on the risk assessment.
Clubs and organisers must ensure that they are aware of any changes in regulations announced by WG and act on these appropriately.
This page will be updated should regulations or advice from WG change.
Welsh Sports Association – Online Covid Course
The WSA has provided a Covid-19 Awareness course and the WCU has encouraged all clubs to ensure one member has completed this course. Many clubs have already completed this. If you are a member of a club where no one has as yet completed this course it is still available. Please send details of the person wishing to complete the course to
Note, If players meet casually to play chess outside the chess club’s regulations within their risk assessment, the WCU insurance will not cover the activity. Also, under these conditions the players concerned would be operating under the risk assessment of the premises.
The Club reopening power point can be found here
The risk assessment template can be found here