Roy Purnell RIP

It is with great sadness that we have learned that Roy Purnell has passed away. 

Roy was a former Club Secretary / Treasurer of North Cardiff Chess Club.

The WCU has received the following email from Roy’s daughter:


I’m writing to inform you that my father, Roy Purnell died peacefully at home yesterday morning, he was 95 years old with his family by his bedside.

Chess was an enormous part of my father’s life and he often spoke of the club with great fond and happy memories. I remember going to collect the trophies with him for each new match winner from the local engravers, on many, many occasions, which filled him with pride, during his time at the club. Dad simply loved to help and nurture others, honouring their achievements and developing their talents.

Chess seemed to personify my father, who was both quiet and cerebral with a sense of fair play, sprinkled with candour and rigour.

For those who knew him. Thank you.

We will always display his chess trophies with pride and smile with any reference to chess, especially when referenced to Cardiff.

Farewell and thank you

On behalf of EWR Purnell ‘Roy’

Deborah Purnell

The WCU would like to express our sincere condolences to Roy’s family and friends at this very sad time.