The Alec Wood Trophy

The Alec Wood Trophy is awarded annually to the East

Glam registered player with the most improved rating.

Player Start Games Live Gained
Kimberly Chong 1481 29 1824 343
Anish Choudhury 1127 7 1323 196
Ashika Shahameeran 1122 8 1309 187
Anshul Swamy 987 9 1160 173
Tycho Twohig 1208 15 1369 161
Elliott MacNeil 1695 23 1838 143
Ray Denyer 921 8 1041 120
Mike Hollyman 943 7 1059 116
Callum Smith 1435 15 1545 110
Ben Jaberansari 1023 10 1119 96
Bence Szakmany 1238 33 1323 85
Sridatta Dantu 1073 5 1157 84
Dwain Jones 1262 10 1346 84
Michael O'Leary 1427 9 1503 76
Tom Davies 1203 24 1275 72
Aishwarya Lutchman Singh 1429 8 1501 72
James Williams 1197 9 1267 70
Clive Silver 1455 9 1525 70
Anthony Williams 1101 9 1170 69
Alun Smith 1657 13 1726 69
Cian Grattidge 939 7 1002 63
Mark Smith 1868 14 1929 61
Simon Davis 1198 6 1258 60
Dave Morris 987 5 1046 59
David Thorne 1319 12 1378 59
Gareth Harding 1503 11 1557 54
Dai James 1756 31 1810 54
Gareth Yeo 1990 14 2044 54
Milo Davies 1238 32 1291 53
Susanna Fraser 1685 21 1733 48
Chris Peters 1575 17 1620 45
Sam Warburton 1447 11 1491 44
Ryan Cheung 1553 7 1597 44
Andrew Di-Vetta 1807 48 1851 44
Alex Bullen 2122 54 2165 43
Calum Harris 1889 27 1927 38
Edward Mason 1365 5 1402 37
Muhieddin Hamadah 1333 8 1369 36
Merlin Davies 1659 18 1695 36
Scott Turner 1435 8 1470 35