last update 9th Oct 24 08:25

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Sort Code: 30 95 46

Account No: 02815338

Ref: Entrants name

Payable to:

West Wales Chess Congress


If you are playing in the Open and do not have a FIDE ID, please contact your National Federation before the event to get one. Players who need a Welsh FIDE ID should email their request, with name and date of birth to -


* Fill in if playing in the Open

Players may claim a ½ point bye in any of the first four rounds

West Wales 55th Weekend Congress Nov 2024

Entry Form

Entries will also be accepted by post to Les Philpin, 59 Cecil Road, Gowerton, Swansea, SA4 3DF


Entries will only be accepted when the entry fee is paid.


Payment should be made either via bank transfer to the West Wales Congress Account:


Sort Code: 30 95 46   Account Number: 02815338 Please put the name of the person entering the tournament in the reference field.


If paying by cheque please make it payable to ‘WEST WALES CHESS CONGRESS’


Fees: Open £30, Major £28, Minor £25