2017 World Seniors Team Championships, Crete, April 23rd – 3rd May

Two squads have now been selected to represent Wales in the World Seniors Team Championship in Crete.


Geof Tyrrell Best Game Prize 2016: Approaching Deadline

The deadline for entries for the 2016 award is 31 January 2017; so there is still time to nominate a game (which need not have been played by the person making the nomination). The detailed rules can be found here but briefly to qualify for consideration a 2016 game must be a win or a […]

New Year Greetings from the International Center for Chess Amateurs (ICCA)

Dear chess friends all over the world,

We have the pleasure of sending you the first newsletter of the International Center for Chess Amateurs (ICCA).

The main aim of ICCA is to help chess amateurs (defined as players with ratings below 2300) to find their way within the huge number of tournaments, programs, books, […]

World & European Seniors Team Championships 2017


This announcement invites WCU members, registered as Welsh with FIDE, to let us know by 31 December whether they may be interested in taking part in one or other of these events (and in which sections) by e-mailing Peter Bevan (internationaldirector@welshchessunion.uk) and Howard Williams (chairmanofselectors@welshchessunion.uk).


Alex Bullen finishes equal 2nd in 2016 Malta Open!!

Congratulations to Alex Bullen who finished equal 2nd at the 2016 Malta Open!!.

European Club Cup Final 2016 Standings

The 2016 European Club Cup has just finished in Novi Sad, Serbia.

European Club Cup Novi Sad, Serbia November 6th-12th

Abergavenny and Cardigan will be representing the WCU at the European Club Cup which is being held in Novi Sad, Serbia between 6th and 12th November. […]