International Chess Day July 20th 2020

The WCU has received the following message from FIDE.

“Dear chess friend,

Very soon, on July 20th, we will celebrate International Chess Day. As you probably know, this also marks FIDE’s 96th anniversary.

This is a day to celebrate chess, and from the International Chess Federation, we would like to reinforce this tradition.

Last year […]

ECU E-Magaazine June 2020

This can be viewed here.

Urgent: FIDE On-line Chess Olympiad: Selection of Welsh Team and Captain

Deadline for Responses – End Tuesday 7 July


The World Chess Federation (‘FIDE’) are organising an on-line Chess Olympiad at very short notice. The full details can be found here.  It is open to one team per member country. Entries need to reach FIDE by 13 July and include a list of […]

ECU E-Magazine April 2020

This can be viewed here.

ECU E-Magazine March 2020

This can be viewed here.

2020 Chess Olympiad cancelled

FIDE have just issued a statement confirming the cancellation of the 2020 Olympiad due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More details can be found here.

4NCL League Online

We’re hoping to set up a new 4NCL online chess league very soon (the next couple of weeks latest) – named, funnily enough, 4NCL Online.

4NCL Online will be based not only on existing 4NCL teams who are interested in participating, but also any new teams that wish to apply to join the league including […]

Jonathan Blackburn wins Geof Tyrrell Best Game Prize

In this the tenth year of the competition in memory of Geof, the judges, Stuart Hutchings, Dave James and Howard Williams, looked at 30 games, 7 wins and 23 draws from 15 events, which met our basic criteria.  In short, these are wins or draws by Welsh players against foreign opposition rated both […]

2020 World Seniors Team Championships, Prague

This year Wales have sent four teams (2 each to the Over 50s and Over 65s).

The Over 50s teams are Wales Silures (comprising Sven Zeidler, Charles Morris, Anthony Hughes, Mark Adams and John Fletcher) and Wales Ordovices (comprising Lee Davis, Charles Summers, Gary Thomas, Peter Quinn and Mark Cooke).

The Over 65s teams are […]

ECU E-Magazine February 2020

This can be viewed here.