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Castell Nedd Christmas Party




Castell Nedd Junior Pizza Party

The Castell Nedd Chess Club pizza party was a booming success as numerous juniors came along for gaming and snacks. Throughout the evening, kids battled against computer operated chess sets, solved puzzles on Fire Tablets, and played games against new friends and faces. Accompanied by Domino’s pizza, it was a delicious treat for all who […]

2023 World Junior Championships Mexico

Ifan  Rathbone-Jones is representing Wales at this event.

His progress can be followed here. 

2023 Glorney, Gilbert, Robinson and Stokes Report

                                                      Glorney  Gilbert  International   2023

This year the tournament was held in Scotland in a welcome return to over the board competition.  As in previous years, we were restricted […]

FIDE World Junior Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships


 Pula Sardinia 9-16 October


DEADLINE: 8 September 2023

These events are being held consecutively over the second week in October and Federations are entitled to enter as many qualified players as they wish.  To qualify Welsh players must be:

under 20 at […]

2022 Welsh U14, 12, 10 and 8 Rapidplay Championship Results


 1st           Tabitha Ryan

 2nd          Timur Ramzan

  3rd          Csombor Hanczar

 UNDER 12 

 1st           Emma Kong

2nd          Govind Anandmumar

3rd          Vismuth Prabhu

Under 10 Champion       Louise Davies


 1st           Mabon Hanczar

 2nd          Constantine Popov

  3rd          Ben El-Shahaweny

  4th          Willow Yeo


2022 Glorney Gilbert International Report

This year it was the turn of Wales to host the tournament. The continuing Covid pandemic prevented us from booking a venue for an over the board tournament and so we held a hybrid event, whereby each nation gathers its players together in one central venue and they then play on line, under supervision. This […]

Welsh Dragons impress at J4NCL

  The 3rd weekend of the J4NCL took place in Mercure Hotel, Daventry from 9th of April to 10th of April. Welsh Dragons Red were represented by Yuxuan Wu, Milo Davies, Tom Davies, Joe Conway-Lees and Oliver Sapsford who played in division 1. Out of the 12 teams in the division they finished at a […]

2022 European Schools Chess Championship, Rhodes, 20th-30th April 2022


An invitation has been received by the WCU to compete in the 2022 European Schools Chess Championships in Rhodes, Greece between 20th-30th April 2022.

More information can be found here.

Anyone interested in competing needs to contact Ian Eustis (e-mail: by 25th February 2022.

Juniors return to OTB J4NCL action

As the restrictions in England has been lifted the over the board Junior 4NCL has commenced in England. Laetitia Davies has been looking after the Welsh Dragons teams together with some help from myself. 

Weekend 1:

The 1st weekend took place at the Woodlland Grange, Leamington Spa from 24th to 26th of September 2021. Wales […]