Pembrokeshire Junior chess event


What another fantastic Chess tournament here at Redhill Prep!

Well done to all the children who took part there were some excellent games played.

14 schools from across Pembrokeshire and beyond were represented today proving this game remains ever popular!

Here are the medal winners:

1st place- Gold Medal: Samuel Addison
2nd place- Silver Medal: Huw Holliday (Redhill Prep), Sebastian Kummer (Neyland Primary), Theo Otterburn (St. Michael’s) David Pinch Award: Jude Taylor (St. Marks)
Huge thank you to Ian Eustis (WCU), FM Alexis Harakis, Martin Jones and Scott Hammett. Without you we wouldn’t be able to hold this tournament and each of you volunteer your time which is much appreciated.

Also thanks so much to Friends of Redhill for all their hard work today. Next tournament in the autumn term, keep your eyes peeled! 

Reported by Vicky Brown