Caplin Mens and Womens British Championships, Rapidplay and Blitz Results

Welsh players acheived the following:

Mens Championship
Name Seeded Pts Final Position
Grzegorz Toczek FM 15/37 5/9 =13th
Jonathan Blackburn FM 16/37 5/9 =13th
Ifan Rathbone-Jones 24/37 0.5/9 =33rd


Mens Rapidplay Championship
Name Seeded Pts Final Position
Grzegorz Toczek FM 9/28 4.5/7 5th
Nazir Rizvi 18/28 2/7 20th


Mens Blitz Championship
Name Seeded Pts Final Position
Grzegorz Toczek FM 14/22 4.5/9 12th


Womens  Championship
Name Seeded Pts Final Position
Olivia Smith WFM 5/20 4.5/9 5th


Womens  Rapidplay Championship
Name Seeded Pts Final Position
Olivia Smith WFM 5/20 3.5/7 12th


Womens Blitz Championship
Name Seeded Pts Final Position
Olivia Smith WFM 6/18 5/9 6th

Nigel Granville RIP

Sadly, news has reached the WCU that Nigel Granville who was a member of Newport Chess Club for over thity years passed away on Friday December 11th aged 56. He had suffered a stroke and been in hospital for several years.

Nigel was a very popular member of Neweport Chess Club and his many friends will miss him a great deal.

Covid restrictions require that attendance at his funeral will not be possible.

The WCU wish to pass on our sincere condolences to Nigel’s friends and family for their loss at this very sad time.


Report on Welsh juniors in FIDE Rapid championships

Six intrepid players: Khushi Bagga (U12 Girls), Tom Davies (U12 Open), Hiya Ray (U14 Girls), Ethan Chung (U14 Open), Ifan Rathbone Jones (U16 Open) and Hugo Fowler (U18 Open) represented Wales in this online event held over December 7,8,9.

DAY 1 

In at the deep end! 

Wow, our players faced some eye-wateringly high rated players in the first round. Khushi (U) faced a 1565; Tom (1395) faced a 2018; Hiya (1586) faced a 1924; Ethan (1619) faced a 2177; Ifan (1941) faced a 2348(!) while Hugo (1840) faced an FM (the first of five titled players) boasting a rating of 2386. And it didn’t get much better in round 2. In fact, Tom went on to face a 2048 in that round. Little wonder that our players’ combined score at the end of day 1 was 1/12: Khushi being the only winner in round 1.



The Empire strikes back!

That could have been demoralising. However, our players, undeterred, came out fighting in round 3 and scored 3.5/6 between them. The highlight was probably Hugo’s win against a Latvian 2224 but Tom was not far behind with his victory against a Swedish boy rated 1698. Hiya’s win and Ethan’s draw completed a very satisfying round.

More excellent play by Hugo in the next round saw him draw with a 2354 Danish IM (yes, IM!) who blundered in the ending. Ifan got his first win against a 2016 Croatian, while Hiya was the other winner.

Round 5 saw Ethan record his first win against a 1719 from Liechtenstein and was joined in the winner’s column by Tom while Ifan drew.

Two rounds in which we only narrowly missed 50% scores overall.



Best round ever/back down to earth (mostly)!

Round 6 saw our players break the 50% mark with four wins out of six. Hiya’s excellent result came against an 1821 Dutch opponent. Tom and Ifan scored good wins against lower rated opposition but Ethan went one (or two) levels higher to overcome a 1905 opponent from Denmark for his win. 

The winners were rewarded for their efforts by… tough draws in the last round. And most of the games went with form, including Hugo’s only game against a lower rated (but still decent) player. Top performance of the round, though,  was Ifan’s. Playing a 2295 FM from Greece, he withstood considerable pressure before turning the tables with a strong 39th move which ended in a fine win.

Overall, 15.5/42. Some might sniff… but when you see the strength of the opposition, I’d say that was a pretty good three day’s work. Thanks all.

Here are the results:

U12 girls Khushi Bagga  (U) 1/7   (opp avge rating 1428)

U12 open Tom Davies (1395) 3/7 (1690)

U14 girls Hiya Ray (1586) 3/7 (1682)

U14 open Ethan Chung (1619) 2.5/7 (1919)

U16 open Ifan Rathbone Jones (1941) 3.5/7 (2063)

U18 open Hugo Fowler (1840) 2.5/7 (2247).

Hugo Fowler actually faced 4 FMs and an IM and the average rating of his opponent’s is skewed by the fact that he faced a mere 1800 in the last round.

1st WCU Online League winners anounced

The 1st WCU Online League concluded on Tuesday with the overall winners being Newport and Friends.

North Cardiff Panthers won the U1800 League.

Congratulaions to both teams!

British Online Championship Finals selections made

Both Grzegorz Toczek and Olivia Smith have accepted an invitation from the Selection Committee to represent the WCU in the finals of the British Online Chess Championships (18/12/20-3/1/21,

We wish them well.

Entries are still being accepted for the qualifiers and anyone wishing to enter can find further details here.

ECU E-Magazine November 2020

This can be viewed here.

News (Up to 31/8/24)

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Clubs and Covid-19: Advice – Updated 1st October 2020

        As we all know, the situation due to Covid-19 in Wales is being constantly reviewed by the Welsh
        Government, with the guidance and rules changing almost on a weekly basis. We have seen in
        September that the predicted second wave is now happening. Consequently, there have been stricter
        regulations imposed across many counties. This fluctuating, unpredictable situation, makes it
        impossible for the WCU to construct any formal guidance on a return to OTB chess for the
        foreseeable future.

        The key message at present is (taken from Welsh Government website):

      “Keep Wales safe:

  • Always observe social distancing (also known as physical distancing) – stay 2 metres (3 steps) away from others, indoors and outdoors
  • wash your hands regularly
  • if you meet another household, outside your extended household, stay outdoors
  • work from home if you can
  • Meet in well ventilated rooms

          Stay at home if you, anyone you live with or anyone in your extended household has symptoms”.

          Since 14th September the following regulation is also in place

Continue reading Clubs and Covid-19: Advice – Updated 1st October 2020

Welsh Chess Union National Arbiters Seminar

We are looking for suitable persons to become Welsh Arbiters. All applying must be WCU members. A Seminar will be held during January over two evenings (dates to be confirmed). Those seeking to become Welsh National Arbiters need to take part in such a seminar and sit and pass an examination at the end of the Seminar (pass mark 80%).

The Seminar will be given by Peter Purland (WCU Chief Artbiter) using “Zoom”. The first session will be 3 hours (over one or two evenings) and a further 2.5 – 3 hours will be needed to undertake the examination during a further final session.

Completing this does NOT qualify anyone as a Welsh Arbiter. The second part of the qualification is to assist at various over the board events (at both junior and adult level at a variety of time controls from standard to blitz. A record is kept and once it is felt trainee arbiters are competent the WCU then applies to FIDE to have that person licensed as a National Arbiter.

Naturally, at present we do not know when OTB chess will resume but, for those interested, the lack of OTB chess could be a good time to take part in the Seminar.

Anyone interested in undertaking this Seminar can contact the Home Director ( to book a place or for further details. There is a limit on numbers so places will be allocated on a “first come, first serve” basis.

First Rank Newsletter 42

This can be viewed here.