Expressions of Interest required for vacant WCU posts

The Management Board require urgent expressions of interest from any WCU member to fulfill the following vacant posts of:

Role Job Description
Deputy Executive Director Link
Director Women’s Chess  
Publicity Director  

Anyone interested should contact the Execevutive Director Mark Adams at


ECU E-Magazine October 2020

This can be viewed here

Netflix series – The Queen’s Gambit – The welsh connection

There is now a very popular mini-series streaming on Netflix called ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ which I am sure our members will find very entertaining. 

What is probably less well known though is that a former Wales Junior International, Paul Atkinson from Gwent, (who currently lives and plays in Berlin), worked as an on-set consultant and even gets a mention in the credits too!

The check weekly (29/10/20)

This can be viewed here.

Biographies of three Welsh chess geniuses now available

The biographies for three Welsh chess geniuses are now on the History page.

Club histories for Blaina and Neath now added

The club histories of both Blaina and Neath are now on the Club Histories page.

Kevin Staveley B.E.M.

It is with great pleasure that the WCU can announce that Kevin has been awarded the BEM in this year’s Birthday Honours list, for services to chess. I am sure you will join me in congratulating Kevin, on this well deserved award. 

ECU E-Magazine September 2020

This can be viewed here.

Amabel Moseley bio

The bio of  Amabel Moseley (a previously unknown Welsh-born British Champion) can now found on the History page.

The Check Weekly 25/9/20

This can be viewed here.