Hugh Price RIP – An appreciation by Stuart Hutchings

Cardiff Club secretary Bill Hunt and I had both been regular weekly/fortnightly visitors to Hugh in his Care Home the last 18 months or so, where we always found him alert, speaking knowledgeably about world events and taking a keen interest in chess at the Cardiff club and wider afield.

Bill and I had to cease visiting because of the Covid-19 restrictions and thus we did not see him for many weeks. It was therefore a great surprise when he phoned both of us on 27th April to say his ‘goodbyes’ as he had been told he only had days to live. This gesture showed the character and the dignity of the man, and although days turned into weeks and we knew the inevitable was imminent, it was still very sad to hear today of his passing.

Although this is an unhappy time, I still thought it appropriate to let the chess community in Wales know more about Hugh, and what follows is based on a speech I gave to celebrate the occasion of his 80th birthday. Continue reading Hugh Price RIP – An appreciation by Stuart Hutchings

Hugh Price RIP

It is with great sadness that we have learned that Hugh Price passed away earlier today at the age of 94.

Hugh had been in a care home for a couple of years with various illnesses, but died peacefully in his sleep with his niece and nephew at the bedside. Hugh was associated with the Cardiff Chess Club for over 70 years and for most of that time was at the centre of chess life in the Cardiff area.

He will be remembered with great affection by players, past and present, by the many juniors that he coached and their families, and by the wider chess community in Wales and beyond. Hugh’s unfailing patience,kindness and generosity endeared him to all who knew him. He was the perfect gentleman and will be greatly missed.

Cardiff Chess Club will commemorate Hugh in an appropriate way when restrictions are lifted.

WCU 1st Online Blitz (13/7/20)

The first WCU Online Blitz will be held on 13/7/20 starting at 19.00 pm.

Further details can be found here.

ECU E-Magaazine June 2020

This can be viewed here.

Urgent: FIDE On-line Chess Olympiad: Selection of Welsh Team and Captain

Deadline for Responses – End Tuesday 7 July


  1. The World Chess Federation (‘FIDE’) are organising an on-line Chess Olympiad at very short notice. The full details can be found here.  It is open to one team per member country. Entries need to reach FIDE by 13 July and include a list of players and reserves. A team captain also has to be nominated.  We therefore need to identify very quickly those who wish to participate (if selected).

Continue reading Urgent: FIDE On-line Chess Olympiad: Selection of Welsh Team and Captain

WCU Online Blitz (3/7/20) Results

The first WCU Online event (A Swiss Blitz tournament) was held on Friday 3rd July.
The final positions of the 9 round event was
1st    Joe Fathallah
2nd   Grzegorz Toczek
3rd    Jonathan Blackburn
Future events will be published on the web site.

WCU Summer Online Blitz Friday 3rd July 2020 7.00 pm start

Full details of this event can be found here.

The Entry Form can be viewed here.

The Rules can be found here.

Step-by-step instructions for players to use can be found here.

Welsh Summer Online Blitz

The Welsh Chess Union will be organising an on-line Blitz event on Friday 3rd July from 7 pm. 
Further details on how to enter will be available here shortly 

First Rank Newsletter 37

This can be viewed here.

Joe Spooner RIP

Sad news has reached us that Joe Spooner has passed away on 21st May 2020.

Joe was a popular member of Morriston Chess Club and will be very sadly missed by his many friends.

A private family funeral will be held shortly.