Jonathan Blackburn wins Geof Tyrrell Best Game Prize

In this the tenth year of the competition in memory of Geof, the judges, Stuart Hutchings, Dave James and Howard Williams, looked at 30 games, 7 wins and 23 draws from 15 events, which met our basic criteria.  In short, these are wins or draws by Welsh players against foreign opposition rated both 2250 or over and 150 points or more above the Welsh player. The number of games was well up on last year’s 21 and the standard was rather higher too. Tim Kett contributed as many as seven of these, mostly from European Open events, while Jon Blackburn and Allan Pleasants played three each. Continue reading Jonathan Blackburn wins Geof Tyrrell Best Game Prize

2020 World Seniors Team Championships, Prague

This year Wales have sent four teams (2 each to the Over 50s and Over 65s).

The Over 50s teams are Wales Silures (comprising Sven Zeidler, Charles Morris, Anthony Hughes, Mark Adams and John Fletcher) and Wales Ordovices (comprising Lee Davis, Charles Summers, Gary Thomas, Peter Quinn and Mark Cooke).

The Over 65s teams are Wales Deheubarth (comprising Iolo Jones, Rudy van Kemenade, Peter Bevan and Bill Harle) and Wales Gwynlliw Raiders (comprising David James, Lloyd Powell, Richard Miles and Robert Taylor.

Over 50s results can be viewed here.

Over 65s results can be viewed here.

The live games can be viewed here.

The games from both live boards and non-live boards can be downloaded from the Chess Results pages under Games.

We wish them well.

Continue reading 2020 World Seniors Team Championships, Prague

Notice of WCU AGM

PLease note that the WCU AGM will be held on 17th May at Pencoed at 14.30pm.

Therefore please forward any proposals to be received by the Exexecutive Director no later than 10th April 2020.

Mark Adams

Executive Director

Dyfed Congress 2020

The  49th Dyfed open  chess congress  was held at Fishguard Bay hotel over the weekend of the 14th -16th February.  55 contests played in the two sections the Open and the Major. Continue reading Dyfed Congress 2020

ECU E-Magazine February 2020

This can be viewed here.

2020 Welsh Primary School Championships

31 teams took part in the 2020 Championships held at Bishop Hedley School, Merthyr Tydfil on 29th February. Continue reading 2020 Welsh Primary School Championships

Guidelines by the Welsh Chess Union on Travel to the Czech Republic

The following advice is taken from official sources, both from the UK, World Health Organisation, Czech Republic and the event organisers. The consensus is that, providing sensible precautions are taken, there is a very low risk that an individual travelling to the Czech Republic will catch the virus. However, it is recognised that there will always be concerns, regardless of the reassurances. Continue reading Guidelines by the Welsh Chess Union on Travel to the Czech Republic

2020 Welsh Championships


Please note that the date for entering the Championship, Open/Major and Minor at the early bird rate of £20 expires on 1st March. After that the entry fee increases to £30.

WCPL Round 4

These games together with the U 1850 Round 2 games can now be downloaded from the Games page.

Saturday 29 February: Doubles chess event for Secondary School players

On Saturday the 29 February there will be a ‘doubles’ chess competition, open to anyone attending a Welsh secondary school. (Doubles is a hugely popular, well-known variant of chess where pieces taken on one board are passed over to another. It is described in detail here: and can even be played on

 The competition should provide a fun afternoon of chess. Short time controls will be used, and for each round players will get a random partner and opposition. Over the course of the afternoon, the various wins and losses should create an individual winner.

 The games will be played at Bishop Hedley High School in Merthyr Tydfil on Saturday 29 February, from 2:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m (the full address is  Bishop Hedley High School, Penydarren, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 9AN).

There is no need to register for this event. However, it would be helpful if those that wish to attend send an e-mail to Richard Stevenson, who can be contacted at: