14 players took part in this 11 round event.
The final results were:
1st Daniel Kosuzek
2nd Jose Camacho Collados
3rd Grzegorz Toczek
Rating Prize: Ryan Cheung
![]() | Welsh Chess Union (Undeb Gwyddbwyll Cymru)Patron: Lord Greg Mostyn |
14 players took part in this 11 round event. The final results were: 1st Daniel Kosuzek 2nd Jose Camacho Collados 3rd Grzegorz Toczek Rating Prize: Ryan Cheung Since the 2018 Olympiad, following advice from FIDE, the Management Board has drawn up draft proposals regarding selection and appeals process policies which can be downloaded below. The Management Board would welcome feedback from members and any comments should be forwarded to Mark Adams by 29/11/19. It is important to remember that these are only proposals at present and therefore will not apply until at least the 2022 Olympiad. For the 2020 Olympiad, the current Selection Policy applies. The Annual Cardiff Schools Championship, now in its 8th year, was once again held at Cardiff City Stadium. The event attracted 37 teams with about 400 students present. We would like to thank all who supported this event with help in so many ways. This year the event was supported by “Mostyn Estates Ltd” and we sincerely thank them for this support. Rhydypenau Primary School (A Team) were crowned champions with St John’s School (A Team) second and Caedraw School third. Other prizes were awarded to Peterston-Super-Ely School (A team); St Joseph’s School, Clydach and Ysgol y Wern (C team) It has been decided that this year the games from the event will NOT be rated.
This can be viewed here White Knights chess club is Wales’ only representative in this year’s European Club Cup. The team comprised Alan Young, Jason Garcia, Allan Pleasants, Peter Bevan, David Buttell, Adam May and Tomasz Miga. We were ranked 65 of the 66 teams and the bottom ranked team Tatvan from Turkey even had a GM and IM in their team. There were going to be some tough matches ahead. Continue reading 2019 European Club Cup Ulcinj, Montenegro, Nov 9th-17th This can be viewed here. West Wales Open 1st Daniel Kozusek 4.5/5 =3rd Grzegorz Toczek, Ian D Thompson 4/5 33 players competed. West Wales Major =1st David Pinch, Philip Pe 4/5 20 players competed. West Wales Minor 1st Alex Lawrence 4.5/5 2nd Paul G Bevan 4/5 9 players competed. The games from the Open and Major are now available on the Games page.
This can be viewed here. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR A WORLD EVENT DEADLINE: 30 NOVEMBER 2019 This announcement invites WCU members, registered as Welsh with FIDE, to let us know by 30 November whether they may be interested in taking part in the 2020 World Seniors Team Championships (and in which section) by e-mailing Peter Bevan (internationaldirector@welshchessunion.uk). Players intending to form part of the team for the over-50 section which Mark Adams is organising need not respond directly to this request. Details of Event This event will take place in Prague from 5 March 2020 (date of arrival) to 15 March 2020 (date of departure). More detailed information is available here . Briefly, as in recent years, the WSTC will be a nine-round Swiss with standard FIDE time limits and one round a day. Teams of four play in any one round but that team may be chosen from a squad of five. Teams may represent either a national federation or any club, region, town etc of the Federation in question and there is no limit to the number of teams a federation may enter. But all the players in a squad must be registered with FIDE as representing the Federation making the entry. There will be separate open events for teams of players all over 50 and all over 65 at the end of the calendar year. Details of accommodation costs and the transportation / registration charge are given in the website announcement. Welsh Participation Players responding to this note who are over 65 (or will be by 31/12/20) and who are not members of Mark’s team (see above) should say whether they would be interested in taking part as members of a second over-50 team instead of an over-65 team. As in the past the WCU wish to give as many players as reasonably feasible a chance to participate in these events. Requests to enter Welsh club etc sides, as well as teams representing the WCU itself, are welcomed. Players in club etc sides must be WCU members but otherwise need not meet the WCU’s own eligibility rules on international representation. Welsh participants in these events in the past have found them enjoyable with many games against players of roughly the same standard as themselves. The WCU is unable to contribute to players’ costs of participating in these events beyond paying one entry fee (of E100 to FIDE). European Seniors Team Championships 2020 The equivalent event (usually with the same format as the World Seniors) is due to take place from 25 June to 6 July in Wroclaw, Poland but no further details are currently available. The European event in recent years has been rather eclipsed by the World event and has attracted fewer entries. But, if there is sufficient demand, the WCU is prepared to enter a team or teams in this event too. A website notice, seeking expressions of interest, will be posted once more is known.
Thre WCU are urgently seeking members who are interested in coaching (usually juniors although not exclusively). In order to create a central database of possible coaches, could anyone interested plesase complete the table below and forward to Peter Bevan (Email: wcuwebmaster@welshchessunion.uk) as soon as possible. The full table is available via the coaching tab above.
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