1st Welsh Masters 2019

This event will be held at the Heronston Hotel, Bridgend between 26th August and 30th August.

Round Times:

Monday 26th August 

Round 1 11.00 am    Round 2 4.15 pm

Tuesday 27th August

Round 3 11.00 am    Round 4 4.15 pm

Wednesday 28th August

Round 5 11.00 am    Round 6 4.15 pm

Thursday 29th August

Round 7 11.00 am    Round 8 4.15 pm

Friday 30th August

Round 9 11.00 am


GM Matthew Turner
GM  Keith Arkell
IM   Adam C Taylor
IM   Jack Rudd
FM   Grzegorz Toczek
FM   Mike Waddinton
FM   Jonah Willow
FM   Peter Varley
Tim Kett
Dai James
Live games will be viewable here:
The event is also being displayed on Follow Chess here.
The games are now available on the Games page.

Junior Rapidplay Rating List

The Sept 1st Junior Rapidplay Rating List can now be downloaded from the Grades Page.

This includes the UKCC Southern Challengers event.

There is currently an issue with updating the live ratings which we hope will be resolved shortly.

2019/20 Season Entry Forms

Entry forms for many events have now been added to the Calendar.

Welsh Chess Union Ratings

Things are pretty much back to normal now although we are still looking for a permanent Rating Officer for the Gwent Zone. Please spread the word or contact me if you’d like to know more about the role.
 We have now embarked on a major overhaul of all the sites. This is still very much in its early stages though. Matthew Lunnon (East Glamorgan) is doing the programming for us. If there are features of the old sites that you didn’t like or features that you did, please let me know. If you have ideas for new functionality that you think would improve the rating service, please also let me know.
All five zonal websites have now been moved to the WCU domain. Many of you are already accessing them successfully but only by redirection from their old homes. The best way to access them from now on is to point your browsers here :-
If you run into any problems with the sites, please contact me.   
Paul Orton, National Rating Officer   ratingofficer@welshchessunion.uk

2019 South Wales International

All games from the 2019 South Wales International are now available for download on the Games page.

ECU E-Magazine July 2019

This can be downloaded here.

2019-20 WCPL

If any team would like to join the Welsh Premier League for the 2019-2020 season please contact Kevin Staveley by 15th August.

Glorney-Gilbert Junior International Team Event-Dundalk, Ireland 22nd-24th July 2019

The event was well organised in Ireland this year, with the only obvious glitches being the live boards sometimes being wrongly attributed, and a problem for one group in getting from arrival at Dublin airport to finding the transfer bus, where when we did find it, the driver was expecting to take groups of French and Welsh golfers to the excellent Carrickdale hotel on the outskirts of Dundalk.

Our girls are often competitive with the other countries, England, Scotland, Ireland, France and Netherlands, and although finishing 5th on 6.5/15 were unlucky not to score more, with amongst other disappointments, Susanna Fraser losing on time trying hard to win with Q+K v R+K (Susanna showed remarkable strength of character to recover from this result) and Rachel McIntosh losing on time in a holdable position with K+R+P v K+3Ps, having missed a winning line in a R-ending a few moves earlier.  

Gilbert:  Shayanna Sivarajasingam 1W 3D 1L  – 2.5   Susanna Fraser 1W 1D 3L  – 1.5   Rachel McIntosh  1W 1 Forfeit 1D 2L  – 2.5

The other events are all open (i.e. mixed boys and girls) and it is evident from results that at the moment, the older the players are, the further we are falling behind the other countries.  This is clear from the ratings of the players and the results.  Although all our players played a lot of good chess, with some occasionally good individual results, the ratings don’t lie, and what often happened was that generally higher rated opponents were eventually able to overcome stout resistance, sometimes recovering from lost positions to triumph in the end.

Stokes (U12):  Ethan Chung 2W 2D 1L  – 3   Daniel Chung  3D 2L – 1.5  Yuxuan Wu  2D 3L – 1 Bence Szakmany  1W 1D 3L  – 1.5  Milo Davies  3W 2L – 3  Tom Davies  1W 1D 3L -1.5

Total 11.5/30   6th Position

Robinson  (U14):  Venetia Sivarajasingam 2W 2D 1L – 3   Madeleine Smith  1W 1D 3L  – 1.5  Ellison Smith 1W 5L  – 1  Neil Stevenson 5L – 0   Joel Chung  1W 1D 3L – 1.5   Harrison Postans 5L – 0

Total 7/30  6th Position

Glorney (U18): Chirag Guha 2D 3L  – 1  Imogen Camp 5L – 0   Hugo Fowler  1W 4L  – 1 Ifan Rathbone-Jones 1W 2D 3L – 2  David McIntosh  5L – 0

Total 4/25    6th Position

The players were supported by a number of parents, along with team manager Ian Eustis and coaches Nick Evans and John Thornton

Full results and games using the live games link can currently be found via www.glorneycupchess.org.

Report by John Thornton


First Rank Newsletter Edition 25

This can be viewed here.

Welsh Chess Union Ratings

I would like to apologise to Welsh chess players for the current slowness in getting your games rated since July 1st.
As you probably know, Robert Taylor hung up his boots after 12 years of sterling work as National Rating Officer and was replaced by myself. He also resigned from his job as Gwent rating officer, as did Pete Heaven (East Glam) and Glyn Sinnett (West Wales). Only two of these three zones have found new rating officers (Ben Rowlands in West Wales and Edwin Allen in East Glam) and so we are struggling to cope with the extra workload. The problem is unfortunately most acute in the two zones with the greatest number of players – East Glam and Gwent.
I have personally had some fantastic help from Robert and Pete and I can promise that the situation *will* be turned around. In the meantime I hope that you will not find the delays in rating too intolerable – they won’t last for long!
We are still, of course, looking for an enthusiastic person to take over the Gwent vacancy. Please get in touch if you are interested!
 Paul Orton, National Rating Officer  ratingofficer@welshchessunion.uk